Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Second day of new job

Well folks, we've made it through Day 2...just barely. We knew that the hospital we were moving to had the same IV pumps, the same Pyxis med station dispensing machines and the same Information System for order enty. I did, however, expect a great variation from the type of orders I have been used to entering. Guess not. We have spent 2 days watching order entry and frankly I felt by the end of today as though I may have to rip out me hair to stay awake.

Luckily, we get log-ons tomorrow 'cause the new boss has recognized that we do not actually need training per se. Thank god!!

Bat night was AWESOME! Apparently the turn out was far greater than expected - very good news. The project is to draw attention to the dry river bed. As recently as the end of WWII this river bed as a flowing, full river year-round. Now, there is water ONLY during the 2 monsoon months of July and August, and that is not even full time during those months.

Of the 28 species of bat in Arizona, there are 3 main ones mingled under our bridge, though a few stragglers of the others trickle in. Not only did we get to hear about our bats, but we got to people watch a most interesting crowd!

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